thehouseofchristmas The House of Christmas (HOC) was established in 2017 when a group of friends living in Lebanon and abroad joined hands to turn a 150 year old family house into a proper Christmas market fair to support families in need and NGOs in the spirit of solidarity and charity to help alleviate the inequality and poverty in Lebanon. Since then the reach of HOC extended to beyond Christmas to support families throughout the year and across various regions to help them achieve sustainability in their lives. HOC focused on providing the families with: food and basic needs, medical services, housing, education, livelihood support and legal advice. Following the tragic events of August 2020, HOC expanded its humanitarian efforts to support livelihoods and small businesses in a targeted and strategic way and to restore heritage buildings housing vulnerable families to help preserve the social fabric and revive the economic activity of the neighbourhoods in Beirut. Today, HOC comprises of three main pillars: family empowerment, livelihood and business support, heritage and culture preservation. Our strong belief in humanity, justice and equal opportunity coupled with our common love for Lebanon, our people and our history drive and define our selfless efforts.